What should I pack in my hospital Bag?

It can be a bit overwhelming

What should I pack in my hospital bag?

Firstly, if you are ready this blog post then I want to say a massive congratulations to you on the impending arrival of your little one!

There is so much advice out there on what to pack in your hospital bag and it can be a little overwhelming.

Enjoying this final milestone of your pregnancy should be about getting ready for your little bundles arrival, rather than worrying over what you have or haven’t packed.

To make it easier this hospital bag checklist is going to be split into three sections so its a little easier – we have things for you, things for baby and things for your birthing partner / nice to haves.

Some families find having seperate bags can make things easier to find which bags have those specific items in – and you could even make a list of the items which are in that bag to put in a pocket so if someone else has to look for something they know what is in that specific bag – making it easier, and a bit more stress-free.

We are going to go through the list – but – I’ve also added an image at the bottom that you can save to your phone for easy reference. You can print it out too!

Barnsley Newborn Photographer

For Mummy-to-Be for Labour

  • Maternity Notes and Birth Plan Place them at the top of your packed hospital bag after every check-up
  • Nightdress or oversized Tshirt – it will probably get a bit messy, and you don’t want to be too hot – so don’t feel like you ned to buy anything special.
  • Dressing gown – a lightweight one may be better but it will help keep you a bit more comfortable if you end up pacing the corridors to get baby moving.
  • Slippers – ones that are easy to get on and off work better.
  • Socks – because no-one likes having cold feet.
  • Toiletries – Wash bag with at least the following in – lipbalm, toothbrush, toothpaste, hairbrush, soap, wash cloth, bobbles, shower gel and shampoo.
  • Phone and Phone Charger – remember to make sure you have your important numbers ready to hand too – but your phone will be so useful for you during labour for playing music, things to distract you during early labour – and capturing those first precious moments.
  • Fan, or water spray to cool you down if needed.
  • Medication you’re currently taking, if any.
  • Snacks and drinks for during and after the birth – Most women are able to eat and drink during labour, and it can help to keep your energy levels up. The hospital will have food and drink available, but you may prefer to pack a few things that you know you like to stop you or your birthing partner having to leave the room too much.
  • Things to pass the time if needed – such as a book, magazine, crossword or podcast.

Check with the hospital if they provide the following during / after your labour

  • Birthing Balls, and do they have the right size for you – if not – can you bring your own?
  • Pillows – can you bring in additional pillow if needed to help with contractions, or breastfeeding.
  • Towels – for showering after birth
  • TENS Machine – do you use one? Do they hospital have them or can you bring your own?

For Mummy-to-be after labour

  • Absorbant Sanitary or Maternity Pads
  • Comfy Knickers (or disposable ones)
  • Comfy outfit to wear home
  • Nursing Bras
  • Breast Pads
  • Front-opening or loose-fitting nighties or tops if you’re going to breastfeed
  • Cash – change for the the car park or to grab an emergency snack
  • Full Tank- make sure that whoever is taking you home has enough in the tank to get you home – you don’t want to be having to call off to fill the tank!

For New Baby

  • Bodysuits & Vests – pack more than you think you’ll need.
  • Sleep Suits
  • Going Home Outfit – a lot of people buy something special
  • Hat
  • Scratch Mittens unless the sleepsuits have them in-built
  • Socks or Booties
  • Nappies (Plenty!)
  • Muslin Squares
  • Cotton wool balls or pads
  • Blankets – even if just one and a spare
  • Snowsuit (if its cold!)
  • Nappy Bags
  • Don’t forget the Car Seat!

For your birth partner

  • Snacks
  • Cash
  • Change of clothes as you don’t know how you’ll be there
  • Wash bag to freshen up
  • A book or something to distract the mum to be if you’re relaxing in the early stages.
  • Bendy straws to help mummy to be to have a drink during labour
  • Swimwear, if they’re able to join you in the birthing pool. Make sure to check with the hospital first though, as not all hospitals allow birth partners in the pool.
  • Notebook – to jot down all these precious memories and labour notes.

Don’t forget that if you’ve also not yet booked your Newborn Photoshoot then enquiring and booking before your little one arrives is the best time to do it so that after birth you know you have something to look forward to booked in.

Hospital Bag Checklist